First Run
How to choose software after RDV controller update
RDWorks for different RDV controller Software Controller RDWorksV8.01.62 and latest version RDVision V2.00.18 RDV6442G-LY-B AND RDV6442G-LY-1G A software installation package is in U-disk that came with the machine. If you got the wrong package, ...
How to choose software after controller update
RDWorks for different controller Software Controller RDWorksV8.01.60 and older version RDC6442G-LY-B RDWorksV8.01.62 and latest version RDC6442G-LY-B AND RDC6442G-LY-1G A software installation package is in U-disk that came with the machine. If you ...
The basics of focus
This data is specific to Thunder Laser Nova Series head assemblies but the principle applies to most chinese gantry CO2 lasers. Here is more on how the ThunderCAM plays well with autofocus to maintain correct calibration: NOTE: If you do not ...
How to prepare your files for feeding into the laser program to engrave
The laser machine can only burn into or through material. Also, the beam can only be made to follow straight or curved paths or to burn a grid of dots (a bitmap image). There is no way for the laser to represent color. 1. Scanned Image Engraving The ...