How to use EzCad2 to mark bitmap

How to use EzCad2 to mark bitmap

Many of our users choose to mark bitmap on materials for a more aesthetically pleasing product when using a fibre laser.
However, the results are often unsatisfactory during operation, or they do not know how to process a bitmap with EZcad.
Follow our tutorial to learn.

1. Import a bitmap file

Importing a bitmap file.

2. Set the bitmap parameters

Bitmap files need to be set up after importing in order to produce a more beautiful engraving.

Select the bitmap, check Fixed DPI, Gray, Dither and Drill Mode for the Scan Mode.

After setting the parameters, you must click on Apply to make them effective.

Fixed DPI: The default value is 300, the range is 300-500. The higher the value, the higher the fineness of the image, the slower the engraving speed will be.

Drill mode: engraving dots to form a picture, the value can be set from 0.3 ms to 0.5 ms. Vector images form patterns by walking lines, while bitmaps need to form patterns by dots.

Invert: This option is checked if the material is covered with a coating; if the material is a natural colour, then only Gray and dither are required.

3. Set engraving parameters

Uncheck the Use default parame and adjust the parameters to suit the material.

You can refer to our library of laser parameters, where the material parameters are updated from time to time.

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