How to choose software after RDV controller update

How to choose software after RDV controller update

RDWorks for different RDV controller

RDWorksV8.01.62 and latest version
RDVision V2.00.18

A software installation package is in U-disk that came with the machine. If you got the wrong package, contact us
Where the U-disk is :

Where to installation package in U-disk :

About when we started to update this, more info here:Sep-2022-ccd-controller-memory-upgrade-to-1g-6-11-2022

Where the controller is

Open the lower right door with the black key first.

The left one is controller, a label on it. 

Confirming the RDWorks Version

The same approach applies to RDVision and RDCMarkVision.

Check the name of installation package

Or in RDWorks,  Help >> About RDCAM

Download RDWorks V8.00.62 software from here:Downloads | THUNDER LASER 
Download RDVision V2.00.18 software from here:

If you have any questions , please contact us:


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