Many users use the marking software is EzCad, but because sometimes there is not enough time to work, we have to use the software functions more quickly, which will have to use to shortcut.
Ctrl+N is the new file shortcut for creating a new file.
Ctrl+O is the open file shortcut for opening a file.
Ctrl+H is the fill shortcut for pattern and text filling

Content must be selected to take effect
Ctrl+T is the transform shortcut for adjusting the position, shape, angle and scale of content.
Ctrl+W is the vector file shortcut for importing bitmap files.
Ctrl+B is the bitmap shortcut for importing vector files.
Ctrl+Z is the undo shortcut for undoing the previous step.
Ctrl+Y is the redo shortcut for resuming the previous step.
Ctrl+X is the Cut shortcut for cutting the content.
Ctrl+C is the copy shortcut for copying content.
Ctrl+V is the paste shortcut for pasting content.
F1 is the Mark shortcut, used to start engraving content.
F2 is the the red light indicator Shortcut, used to turn on the red light to indicate the outline of the engraved content.
F3 is the parameter shortcut , used to open the parameter setting interface.
These are some of the most commonly used shortcuts on EzCad as recommended by Thunder.