This is what can build up in your exhaust system, especially the fan, and can cause critical failure so its important to regularly maintain your exhaust system. Here is how to clean the HF-150 Inline Fan that ships with the Mini 60 and Nova 24: Here ...
Reasons: 1. Exhaust fan break down Solution: there’s a common way to connect it to the power directly using the power cable of chiller, then check if exhaust fan can be turn on normally. See below. 2. Connect the fan inlet and outlet in opposite ...
Preface: Switch off the machine and unplug it from the wall before starting replacement. Detailed steps: 1. How to save the parameters of the old controller If you can't communicate the old controller, you need a controller, please skip to STEP 2. a. ...
Thanks to Robert Kofoed for the video! This article is for Nova series machines. Proper care and routine maintenance of the machine will ensure optimal performance over a long service life. It is imperative that you remove, inspect, and clean your ...